Hi! Are you a mad blogger? Are you here by special invitation? All are welcome to my Mad Bloggers' Virtual Tea Party. Come on in! Take a virtual seat! Would you like virtual tea, or virtual coffee? Would you like a virtual piece of cake? It's a virtual pleasure. Have you met the mother of this lot and her daughters? They are my guests of honour, today.
The mother of this lot was kind enough to give me a Good Chat Blog Award, as above, a few days ago, so I thought it would be nice to have a get together, which would give me an opportunity to pass it on. The award was designed by one of her daughters, here by special invitation, known as 'The Fixer', and was given to her, with instructions from her daughter, to pass it on to any of her favourite bloggers, who seemed like they would invite her in for a nice, long chat, if ever she met up with them.
What is that commotion? Is that 2 of my favourite bloggers, fighting in the corner, over there? Bad bloggers! Who is it? I might have guessed! What are you fighting over? The cake crumbs on the floor? You should be ashamed of yourselves! There is plenty of cake. If you settle down, you can have another piece. That's better. Here you are. What do you mean, it's not big enough? Click on it, then. There you are. Is that big enough for you? Now calm down, before I name and shame you.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your support, on my site. Thanks for bothering with me and thanks for your comments. Thanks for sharing your lives, your thoughts, your laughter, and, sometimes, your fears and sadness, with me, when I visit your blogs. Thanks for not taking offence at my, occasionally, inane or inappropriate comments.
Who was rude enough to interrupt me, then? Who said 'Where's the virtual wine?' Typical!
I would like to pass on the award to the people listed below. I know that we would have a good, long chat, if ever we met up. I heard that! Who muttered 'We'd be lucky to get a word in edgeways?' Where was I? Oh, yes. Here's my list:
I know that at least a couple of you already have the award, so you will not want to pick up another one, but I do hope that you have enjoyed the virtual tea party.
Oh, you're all off, now that you've polished off the cake, emptied the tea pot and picked up your awards, are you? Well, thanks for calling by. There's always some tea in the pot. Don't be a stranger!
Oh Mean Mom -you shouldn't have. Of course anytime you're in the neighbourhood, I'm always ready for a good chinwag over a cuppa, Thanks
I love your blog. I saw that you came by mine and I thought I would return the favor and I am sure glad I did. I am adding your link to my list of favs. I am snagging the award and off I go...Thanks so much! Come by again! Pam
OMG, Thank you so much. This is my first Virtual Tea Party. I love big cake and strong coffee. Your the hostess with the mostess. I love it when you occasionally leave insane and inappropriate comments. And I enjoy you blog very much. I am glad I stumbled upon it.
You are most wonderful and kind to give me such a nice award. I do thank you for it very much and I will celebrate it today with an extra special bottle of white wine, seeing as though you only had tea and coffee, but the cake was delicious!
Hi there, thank you for the invitation. I would like a cup of earl grey tea please, from one of your lovely bone china cups. Are they fairy cakes I spy over there? Yes please, I'd like 2 of them, they look so delicious. Oh go on then, I have a small slice of your homemade chocolate sponge as well. What a great idea to have a tea party!
Well, I thought I'd just pop by to say hi. And yum, loved the virtual cake and the tea. You are such a good virtual cook.
I haven't even had breakfast yet!
Tell you what ... I am on a diet!!!!! Got on the scales yesterday & nearly fainted!
Many thanks for the award & congratulations on yours! I reckon we would all be like a gaggle of schoolgirls if we got together, giggling & out of control!
I love it! Thanks for inviting me, the cake was delicious and I always love a nice cup of tea. Great to get together with my blogging chums. You're a real treat mean mom - have a blog of distinction award (see the addendum to my post of 5 April)
BUUUUUUURRRRPPPP! Oops, crap, one flippin cake too many! Apologies for the wind old girl but I was stuffing myself silly given that it is virtual food and therefore has no calories! Wayhay! I am virtually drunk now too! I wonder what a virtual hangover is like. I'll let you know when I get it!
Thanks for the award and I am chuffed. I am away to bask in drunken glory!
Great post, I felt there was a party!
Everyone - Thanks for your comments. I am giggling at the computer all by myself, again! Will be back, later, to comment individually!
How Lovely, Mean Mom, I don't think you're mean at all! Was just drinking real tea and eating real toast, so the Tea Party was perfect. Thank you for the Award and the Invite , I'll add your name and must start giving it away too - of course you've snaffled some of my intended recipients too... M xx
And what a lovely piece of cake it was. Thank you so much.
Brilliant - the tea and cake looks most inviting. This is what I love about blogging - visiting pals and chatting! Thank you MM.
Well, girls, looks like it's down to us to get the clearing up done, doesn't it?
Fixer - you wash.
Peacemaker - you dry.
Singer - you put away.
Noise - you hoover the crumbs off the floor.
Football Fanatic....you just sit there doing nothing like you normally do.
And me?
I think I'll put that kettle on again!
softintheheadblog - When I checked your link, I realised that I had accidentally linked to someone else. Sorry about that. Fortunately, she has a picture in her profile. I was very confused for a more than a few minutes! Thanks for dropping by!
softinthehead - I'm glad you have a picture in your profile. It will avoid confusion on my site! I have to confess that I called in at your place by happy accident, but you have a great blog! I will be back for another look.
Glad you enjoyed your visit and that you liked the award.
Mean Mom, that was delicious. Thanks so much for having me and for my lovely award.
Well - ahem - First of all - I'd like to thank the blogging academy - and The Man and the drooling girl - uh..Wait! Wait! - I wasn't finished with that peice of cake yet!! Grrrrrr....
They were going to throw that bit of icing out and you know I lick all the plates afterwards!! GRRRRRR!!
Now where was I? Hey!! Don't push...okay okay..I'm going...
(Thanks for the cuppa and the award!.......) picks up her coat as she is hustled out the door to looks of exasperation by the cleaning crew...
I'll be back!!
mignon - A cheeky remark, but funny! Glad you enjoyed the party.
sweet irene- I'm glad that you enjoyed the cake. It was you, wasn't it, who wanted to know where the virtual wine was? You wouldn't have been my first guess!
debra in france - Nice to see you making the most of your visit. Glad you could make it.
jules - You came by just at the right time. I have seen that lovely clematis on other sites. I need to get around more, but am afraid of my virtual life taking over my real life! Please accept the 'Good Chat Blog Award' if you haven't already. Glad you enjoyed the tea party and please come back again.
maggie may - Sorry about the diet! I think that we would have a crazy time, if we all got together, which would probably result in some of us being arrested!
menopausaloldbag - I'm glad that you felt able to relax over at my place and that you had such a good time! Do you know the really scary thing, mob, I felt that I was hosting a party, too!!! Alarm bells are beginning to ring!
working mum - Oooh! I'll be over for that award, probably after tea, though! Glad you enjoyed the party. I've been sniggering all day.
i liked the cake very much, mean mom, thank you very much, and i apologise about the mess. and sorry about spilling the tea, too. and i know it is not the done thing to bring beer. apologies. i did, however, love the conversation, although the effing and blinding got a bit out of hand. apologies for that too. can i come and visit again? i promise to leave shark at home next time. and sorry about the teeth marks.
a mothers place - It was a pleasure to have you at my tea party. Sorry about pinching your recipients. I know that I should get about more, but as I said further up, I'm afraid of this blog taking over my real life!
wake up - Glad you enjoyed the cake and thanks for coming.
merry weather - All this fun from our armchairs! Great!
the mother of this lot - Fantastic! What a great tea party and I didn't even have to clean up!
swearing mother - It was a pleasure. Thanks for coming along!
aims - I noticed you licking the plates! Sorry we had to hurry you along, at the end. I certainly hope that you will come back!
grit - Everything is fine. I have sent you the cleaning bill. You are most welcome to come back, at any time!
What a lovely party! Thanks for the invite, pity about that lot squabbling in the corner, typical, can't take them anywhere. Thanks for my award too Mean Mom, much appreciated. Loved the cake. So moist. How do you do that??!! Let me know when you're having a BBQ! Flick xx
dusty spider - Well, I don't know how I achieved the moistness. I must ask Sainsburys! I am considering another party, but I can't decide what sort, at the moment. Thanks for coming over.
Ooooh, another party - can I come again?! You could do a Pot Luck lunch, where everyone brings their favourite dish, or a fancy cocktail party. I can't wait!
debra in france - I am working on the invitations, as I speak. I certainly hope that you will come to my next party. Your behaviour was exemplary at the last one! Now, I am giggling again. Good thing there is no-one else at home at the moment.
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