I hate to feel a failure and we all know how important it is to feel good about ourselves, so I have drawn up a list of realistic New Year's resolutions, from which you can choose to follow as many, or as few, as you like. I feel that they are definitely doable. I hope that you feel the same way.
1. Sign up for 12 months' membership to the gym and attend twice.
2. Search out and buy one of the new fitness dvds, which are coming on to the market at the moment. This will take some perseverance, as there aren't many about. Store your copy on the little shelf, under the tv and never take it out of the cellophane wrapper. You don't need to watch it, or do the exercises - possessing it is sufficient.
3. Walk to work/to the shops/to school with the children, every day. Do this only until the first day that it rains, or until the first day that you are running late, whichever is the sooner. If, amazingly, neither of these things occur within the first week of January, do it until you get fed up.
Weight Loss:
1. Join a club, such as WeightWatchers. Attend 3 times, or until you put on weight, as opposed to losing it, whichever is the sooner.
2. Follow a strict diet for 2 weeks and lose half a stone. Return to your normal diet for less than a week and put on a stone.
Eating More Healthily:
1. Eat lots of fresh fruit and salad, unless the weather is cold, in which case you should wait until July, when it might turn a bit warmer. There's nothing worse than trying to push down lettuce leaves and cherry tomatoes, when it's snowing outside.
2. Instead of snacking on biscuits and cakes, cut up raw carrots and celery into matchstick sized pieces and store them in plastic bags in the fridge, ready for when hunger strikes. Do this on 2 occasions only, or until you are weeping from chopping boredom, then revert to biscuits and cakes. They are much better for your mental health.
3. Cut out chocolate completely, but only after you have finished up your Christmas chocs, of course. When you have finished up your Christmas chocs, give up chocolate, unless the day ends in a 'y'.
4. Prepare more homemade meals, with fresh ingredients, until you have a busy, tiring day and then revert to anything you can pick up from the 'chilled' counter, which cooks on a baking tray, in 25 minutes.
1. Give it up totally, unless you are having a cup of coffee, or downing something alcoholic, or feeling a bit stressed out.
1. Give it up totally, until you have a bad day and need to wind down, or until someone suggests that you go to the pub for a drink.
Saving Money:
1. Spend less, but not until the January sales are over, of course. When the sales are over, put money to one side, but only until you see a pair of must-have shoes, or a new frock that you know will be a perfect fit.
Well, I think that's about it, then. I feel that I've covered the most popular subjects concerning New Year's resolutions. I hope you've found 2 or 3, that you think will be suitable for you and that you feel you have a chance of sticking to.
I've chosen my resolutions for this year and I will keep them, this time, I know, because, not only are they realistic, they are also known only to me and this has to be the true secret of success, doesn't it?
I love them! Much more realistic than mine - "yummy mummy"? What I am thinking?
I think I'll follow Fitness resolution no. 2 and I can save money at the same time 'cause I'm sure I've got Elle McPherson hiding in my dvd cupboard somewhere! Two birds with one stone.
Working mum - Now don't get too big headed, but it seems to me that you're already a 'yummy mummy', so you can forget that one, for a start!
Maybe it was possession of the Elle McPherson dvd that did it? Do you think that it might work for the over 50s? (You know, like me, for instance?)
I have found that you can eat as much chocolate as you like, as long as you follow it by a piece of fruit. This makes you feel very virtuious and therefore it negates all calories! Honestly ;)
Like your style mean mom. I'll be buying the exercise dvd, that sounds like a sure fire success! Flick xx
Suburbia - That's a good tip! I'll certainly try it out!
Dusty - The exercise dvds are so tempting, aren't they? I quite fancy Davina's, but I'm sure that I'd only do myself a mischief!
I think I'll follow Flick's example and go the DVD route Mean Mom. I may have an old fitness video stored somewhere at the back of a shelf - would that count - then I won't have to search the shops - I've heard that those particular DVD's are rarer than hen's teeth.
Did hear the other day of a woman who made a resolution back in 1996 and has stuck to it ever since - it was never to make new year resolutions!
Strawberry Jam Anne - Yes, why not? I'm sure that your old fitness video will be just as successful as it was last time. ;0)
I am all for making no New Year resolutions. LOL! Maybe I should have added that one to the end of my list!
Must admit YOUR resolutions seem easy enough to follow! LOL!
I have already broken mine........ on the first day back to school.
I vowed I wouldn't eat anything at the After School Club. However, we feed the kids on such delicious things that I couldn't resist. felt annoyed with myself afterwards.
Excellent, MMM, so well put and sadly true.
i bite people's heads off when they ask me if i've made any. they expect me to say Giving Up Smoking or something.
Resolution tho' is to cook healthier meals for the kids this year. "That'll happen" as my son would say.
happy new year xxxx
Does going to the gym to sign up count as one visit?
I think you should be Prime Minister, you seem to have sorted out all our requirements for the forseeable future !
This made me snort coffee !!
Maggie May - That's so funny! LOL! As long as you jogged home, afterwards, I'm sure that was fine!! ;0)
Jennysmith - I know what I'm supposed to be doing to follow a healthy lifestyle etc, but I'm not really succeeding, if I'm honest. I don't get enough exercise, particularly when it's cold outside and I'm not keen on cooking. I would rather be doing my cross stitch and stuff and am often to be found hanging around the chilled counter in Waitrose!
Robin - Oh, definitely! LOL! I'm assuming that you jogged there and back, of course? ;0)
auntiegwen - You're not giving much away! Did none of those strike a chord? I know that I won't catch some of you out, with the fitness stuff, because you are runners, but what about the other stuff?
Hope you didn't make too much mess with the coffee!
I know someone who sets herself impossible goals, starts on the first of January and caves in knackered by the end of January. I on the other hand make no resolutions, don't start any new detox until at least the second week in January when my system is almost begging for a change anyway and waddle mu way through February when it gets lighter at nigh and I walk the dogs for longer. Usually lose a but of weight that way and keep tp my routine! Good luck!
I so approve of your sensible list of resolutions, they sound very much like mine !!
MOB - I have to confess that I simply don't make New Year resolutions. I might make a decision to try and change something or other, at some time, in the year, but January never fills me with resolve. I'm just glad when it's over!
Sally's Chateau - There's no point in being too serious about it, is there? If there is something really important that you need to change, you will do it whenever. You won't wait for January!
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