The more I thought about auntie gwen's post of 7th February, the more I began to feel that, quite often, the only way a girl can ensure that she gets what she wants on St Valentine's day is to organise everything herself!

I've already bought my dress! What do you think?
I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea, of course, so I'd better own up to the fact that I'm not a natural blonde!

Here is a picture of the style of boots I've bought to wear with my new dress. They've arrived just in time for the next fall of snow, I think. They'll certainly keep my legs warm and toasty!
I've ordered a special Valentine's meal to be delivered, on Saturday, just in case we have time to eat.

I've bought some bubbly,
but I wasn't sure whether that would be enough, so I bought a couple of bottles of wine, too.

I'm having a beautiful bouquet of red roses delivered

and a teensy weensy box of delicious chocolates
and I think that's me just about set up!
Oops! Just a minute. I forgot that I'd ordered one more essential item.
It's amazing what you can get on the internet, these days, isn't it? There's only one drawback, though. He's not self-inflatable!
How about you? Got any plans?
Did that man forget his shirt? Or had you already ripped it off?
Apart from the steak, I think your Valentine's Day sounds absolutely perfect.
Especially the eye candy and I am more than happy to inflate him myself ;)
Will you be accesorising the outfit with special tena lady valentine pants ????
I can't find ones with hearts on anywhere, they've missed a fab marketing opportunity there. I'm thinking about creating a seasonal range, ones with Santas, hearts easter bunnies, beach scenes, fireworks etc. Do you think it'll catch on ? xx
Great post - obviously a "girl" after my own heart and you remind me of the friend I used to work with. Great choices all except I'd probably go for the Richard Gere officer type!
Back to reality - as OH is away all next week we are actually going out this year - early meal booked - 7 pm - so we can get back for an early bedtime - we usually go by 10 pm. It's an age thing!
Enjoy! A x
You are going to a lot of trouble.
What IS Valentine's Day?
Is that your hunky husband?
As for you..... you get younger by the minute! Bit like that film of the man who is born old and gradually gets younger & younger until he ends up like a baby!
Is that happening to you? LOL
Hiya, My plans are nowhere near as exciting as yours! Ian and I are going to a fav restaurant with some good friends. We always have such a laugh when the 4 of us get together. Mind you, having deen you dress I might go shopping tomorrow morning!
Mud - Ooh! Sorry, I was hoping that no-one would notice that. Yes, I've already made a bit of a start!
auntiegwen - Of course, no knickers would be better, but it's not advisable at my age. I think that you're on to something, with the patterned tena. They could become an essential fashion item - no, seriously, I can see it now!
Oh, well - if you wouldn't mind coming round to inflate my inflatable, that would be great! Thanks!
Strawberry - That sounds good! It's our wedding anniversary in a week's time, so we usually go out for a meal, then. Money is tight, at the moment, though, because of student son, so we may have to have a takeaway, instead, this time.
Maggie - He is my inflatable husband. Sometimes I can hardly notice the difference! ;0)
I am getting younger, you know, but only in my mind! You knew that already, of course. I don't think I would like to be getting younger, in all seriousness. It would be nice to get rid of some of my aches and pains, however. I seem to have arthritis, as do both of my parents.
Debra - Your plans are much better than my real plans, which amount to nothing, at the moment. I have bought my husband a card and a present, though, of course! Hope you have a great time! I don't think that you will ever get out of the bedroom, if you buy a dress anything like that one!
hmmmmm! Trouble is when I first saw your "man" I thought it was David Beckham dressed up!!!!!!! Which kinda put me off.
Phew, your outfit is pretty raunchy, I bet those boots are not at all comfortable ;0)
And the dress, well, I just hope you don't catch a cold wearing such an outfit in this cold weather.
The food looks yummy - though I doubt you will fit in the red dress after partaking in the feast......
And are you quire sure you have enough drink ordered in?
Apart from those gripes, it all seems fine to me.
I have no particular plans in place, I am sure it will pass by like any other Saturday to be honest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We agreed this morning not to send each other cards (thank goodness as I had not bought him one!) but I do have some reduced Sainsburys fillet steaks in the fridge, and a similar amount of wine to yours to wash it down with.
Not sure what He is going to have though! Well, apart from me...... oooops! Sorry letting my secrets out there! ;0))))))
Have a lovely Valentines Day! And don't get out of puff with any inflatables.
Letty ;0))))))))
Boy, you've got a hell of a blowing up job to do. Hee, hee.
do you know, MMM, thats just exactly how i'd imagined you looked like. Yes, i wear boots like that for driving or the school run or just going up the off-licence.
Great lookin chocolates, tho' Husband would drool over the wine.
But that bloke you've ordered looks a bit gay. I mean, correct me if i'm wrong....
Yes, ours is a dead romantic night! Watchin that BBC2 documentary on Iran. Really gonna get us in a romantic mood that is. But it was very good last week (part one)
have a lovely weekend xxx
Letty - My pilot does look a little like starters as opposed to main course, doesn't he? There's not much choice with those inflatables, though.
My boots are fine, as long as I just want to stay on the same spot. I'm in a bit of trouble if I want to move, however. The dress is great. It certainly caused a stir when I went shopping in the Co op, earlier.
We don't have any particular plans for Saturday. I am going to look for a nice meal to cook in my crockpot, I think. We always buy cards and a small present.
Hope you have a good day!
The Finely Tuned Woman - See auntie gwen's comment. I think that she's going to inflate him for me, or have I got it all wrong again? ;0)
Jen - Yes, I bet you imagined I looked like that! I would love to see you tottering up to the off-licence in those boots! LOL!
Oh, I do hope that my inflatable isn't gay! What a 'let down' that would be! ;0)
We're not doing anything in particular, either. I will try and cook something half decent for a change, though!
Award for you over at mine.
I read your post and thought, "YUMMY!" Oh and the food looked good too.
No other comment by a man. I wonder why! Miserable lot, aren't we!
I'm just wondering what part of his anatomy you have to use to inflate him?
You've got it all covered and no sign of a man involved anywhere!
Have a sooopah time dahlink!
Oh Mean Mom you do make me laugh!
Yes, amazing what you can get; which website was he from, then?
My plans - making gingerbread hearts with daughter, then hubby's making us dinner and I'm doing dessert. Sounds good to me!
I can't tell you what I bought The Man.
What I can tell you is that I hope we get to use it!
I'll be walking around with a huge smile on my face if we do!
What? Isn't Valentine's day about love?
The Finely Tuned Woman - Thanks a lot!
Robin - LOL! I think he might be quite yummy, you know and the chocolate gateau looks divine.
Grumpy - If I were a man, I'd have plenty to say about this post - mostly to do with the woman in the red dress, I think!
MOB - It's fun imagining, isn't it? Thanks. You too!
Working Mum - Glad I made you laugh! The pilot is on the Ann Summers website, sadly just advertising the uniform.
Your Valentine's plans sound excellent. I'm hoping that I get a bit of help with my slow cooker meal. I've decided on pork with apricots. Probably apple pie for dessert.
!!! My type of day Exactly. And the rest... have fun!
We won't be expecting a blog from you tomorrow then!!
Have a great day.
From a newly born blogger.
P.S.Do drop by when you've recovered from all the fun.
plans? i'm dumping dig and coming round your house to celebrate.
Aims - I've just realised that I managed not to reply to you. How rude of me. Sorry!
I'm sure you have your mind on other things, today, though, from the sound of it. I do hope that you're both having fun and that you both have smiles on your faces, by now!
Ladybird World Mother - I am having a good day, thanks! Hope you are too!
Reasons To Be Cheerful - You're right - no post today, but I've found a bit of time for comments! I will be over a bit later on!
Grit - Excellent! Don't forget to bring a bottle or 2. We may not have enough!
That made me laugh! I like your boots. Aren't you going to offer some of those chocolates around? Or the wine (I see you've splashed out on the good stuff this time)?
Now don't forget, no dribbling at the table and you should pull it off OK!
I was with you until the end... I prefer raggedy ole blue jeans to a uniform. ;o)
My Valentine's Day plans pale in comparison to yours, Mean Mom! Hubby and I will probably be sitting in front of the TV in our pj's this evening, eating take-out pizza. If we have a glass of wine, I'll be asleep before the news comes on:)
Do you mind just a small bit of advice? I wouldn't recommend wearing that outfit outside and hanging around any street corners:)
Suburbia - Glad it made you laugh! Sorry! Everything's gone! Hic!
No, it's no good - I can't eat chocolate gateau without dribbling a bit.
Mother Mayhem - LOL! Well, I darsay we could find some raggedy old jeans to dress him up in.
Rose - We will probably be doing much the same in truth! I'm such a boring person, I'm happiest doing that, at the moment. Maybe I'll feel a bit livelier when the weather's a bit more cheeful!
Rose - Should have added: If we have to spend much more on Student son, I may very well have to hang around on a few street corners in a red mini dress. I would have to wait until all the punters were wearing their beer goggles, though!
Mean Mom, you're going to look great tonight! Forget Tena patterned knickers I'd have to wear some M&S magic pants with that dress, especially after all that wine and food. Have a brill time!
blogthatmama - Pants? What pants?
Yes, I know what you mean, but I suspect anything at all would show under a dress like that! You're right, of course, I am going to look great tonight. (Mean Mom stifles a giggle.) Hope you have a good time, too!
Well, your Valentine's Day looks slightly better than mine. All I got was the Father of This Lot AFTER he'd been in the Mare and Foal!!
That was tough! You should have come round to me. We could have shared my inflatable.
Oh dear the only response I could think of about the inflatable man was too rude to write and I couldnt get it out of my head to write anything else that was sensible (and clean) so before I get into serious trouble and you ban my comments I will just say I hope you had a good night!!! Hee Hee X
Vintage Kitten - I take your point, but the rude comment might have been fun!
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