I was more than thrilled, a few weeks ago, when one of my friends asked if I would like to go with her and her family to a fashion show, which would be part of Graduate Fashion Week at Earl's Court. I jumped at the chance and then spent an exciting, but, ultimately disappointing, few days looking round the shops for something unusual to wear. In the end, I decided against wearing something wild, opting instead to blend in, by wearing black trousers, a black, short-sleeved satin jacket, a bright pink top and a bit of jewellery. When we arrived at the show, I was relieved to discover that I had made the right decision. The majority of the people there were young fashion students, mostly dressed in dark colours, perhaps with the odd accessory to brighten things up here and there. In fact, they were almost wearing a uniform. As 2 of the oldest people there, my friend and I would have looked as if we had been having a midlife crisis, if we had turned up in something attention seeking. We did get a few funny looks, but I think that may have been something to do with my tiara ..........
I loved the show! It was amazing! Each graduate had produced 6 - 8 garments and a lot of the clothes were wild, some were outrageous and the majority of them were exciting! The first 3 garments, in the photos below, were amongst my favourites, particularly when I discovered that the young Italian graduate had designed and even printed her own fabric. If you can spare the time to click on the photos you will see how wonderful the fabric was.

Here are a few men's outfits
and a few women's:
As far as I could gather, the flowery fabric used for the 3 garments directly above, must have been stretchy. It even fitted over the models' shoes and precariously high heels! I think I would have had a panic attack if I'd had that fabric all over my face. It seems that, as a fashion model, you have to be game for almost anything!
The whole show was more than I could have wished for. It is true to say that the designs were 'out of this world', but fashion is a competitive business and I suppose that young designers have to get themselves noticed. I was very impressed with the amount of skill which must have been necessary to put such unique creations together and to make the fabrics behave in such challenging ways! If I were young and daring again, I would happily wear any of the 3 outfits, designed by the Italian student. I also liked the cream 2 piece, with the cropped top and strangely shaped skirt.
What about you? How do you fancy the all in one grey jumpsuit, incorporating the orange knickers and orange stripes around the legs, or how would you feel about showing off your black stockings and suspenders by wearing no skirt and a short black jacket?
I think I will go for the saucy little red top, tiny black shorts , stockings & suspenders. That would knock em out, I should think!
Seriously, you SHOULD share your bad things with us. I have felt a tremendous sense of healing therapy writing down my bad stories & people are there for you, they really are.
It is a two way thing, blog friendship, isn't it? Can be sometimes better than a *real* friend, who you might not want to burden.
A trouble shared is a trouble halved, so the saying goes and there is much truth in it, I think.
This is why I am not a catwalk model; who would wear some of those things, mind you, the tartan pyjamas one of the men is wearing could be straight out of M&S.
Maggie is right about the cathartic element of writing down the bad stuff, your readers are supportive and we won't be dragged down.
PS Thanks for your supportive comment on my post about Izzy playing imaginatively. Although I must admit that at the moment she is playing golf against my husband on his new Wii - and she's beating him!!!
So good to hear from you again MM. Have been wondering about you as you had mentioned one or two problems. I agree with Maggie - a problem shared and all that ... Hope things are improving for you now - please keep in touch.
As for the fashion show - great that you were able to go and to enjoy it. Isn't it fantastic that the young can be so inventive - I would have to go with the orange bikini briefs outfit and the yellow boots, then my OH would know I am completely off my trolley. A x
Maggie - The shorts and suspenders outfit is strangely appealing, isn't it? Let's not think too much about why that should be....
I'm afraid to put down too much about my current worries on my blog, in case anyone in my family finds it on the computer. I can't always remember to get rid of the address in the pull down bit, which appears when you are on the internet and the address is, therefore, often easily accessible. My Student Son also has a habit of reading over my shoulder (as a joke, to wind me up) and it would be disastrous, if he read any post about my current concerns, as it is him I am most worried about.
Thanks for your support, though. I've always known that I could count on you, if I were able to speak freely.
Working Mum - I have already written the post in my mind, which would be very cathartic, if I could run the risk of publishing it, without anyone in my family discovering it. See my reply to Maggie, however. I can't take the risk. We all use this computer.
Thanks for your comment. I know that you, too, would support me, like Maggie.
I love your comment about the man's tartan outfit. It would be almost acceptable as pyjamas, but there was no sleepwear in the show!
Strawberry Jam - I would share everything, if it were possible (see my replies above) and get it off my chest, but I daren't. Thanks for your kind comments and there has been some improvement, in some areas, over the past few months. At least my Middle Son is back at work, now, after his accident. My father is out of hospital and not doing too badly, for his age. It is still quite a struggle for him to walk, though, in spite of his hip replacement.
You are so right about the inventivenss of the young. It was all so enjoyable.
I think I have those tartan jammies !
Welcome back, we missed you and hope things are much improved for you xxx
just glad to see you back blogging.
I have been thinking about you.
I had difficult years like yours in the past and they are totally the pits.
Thank you for a cheery post. I will comment more on the outfits tomorrow, suffice to say, not sure I will be wearing them down the High Street.
I will email you soonest, been busy here too. The Longest Day, well the Longest Ten Days ever in my life has just passed.....my Ma In Law descended upon us!!
If you want pics of the event, the post before last on http://returnofhollowhound.blogspot.com should illuminate all my angst!
love and much light, Mean Mom!
Letty aka Hollow Hounds Mum!
auntiegwen - ....and they look great on you!
Thanks for the welcome back! Things are a little improved, but one thing is worse, in that my Student Son has to repeat his 2nd year. What a blow!
Letty - Glad you haven't forgotten me. I hope that you haven't emailed me since you got back from Australia, because my account was closed down when I didn't access it for a few weeks. It is reactivated, now. Looking forward to hearing from you, when you have a minute.
I might wear one of the flowery outfits in the last few photos, minus the fabric over the face, mind you:) If I wore any of the other designs, my children would quickly book a room at the "home" for me!
So glad to have you back, and thanks for visiting--I hadn't noticed your post on my sidebar yet. I have been worried about you, and I agree with Maggie May that blogging is great therapy. On the other hand, I understand why you might not want your family to read this. My husband never gets to see my blog, mainly because he would be sure to offer
"helpful"--meaning sarcastic--comments. Of course, I don't have to worry too much, as he still hasn't figured out how to log on to the Web! I hope things sort themselves out for you soon; you have lots of friends here who truly care about you.
Rose - The outfits are a bit insane, aren't they? I preferred to stand out in a crowd, in my youth, but, these days, I try not to attract attention to myself!
Thanks for your kind words. The title of my blog isn't particularly secret. I am severely 'mocked' by my sons for having a blog in the first place and, usually I just rely on the fact that they aren't interested in it. You can bet that if I wrote anything deeply personal, however, one of them would decide to have a little peek, on a whim!
Nice to see you again, Sweetie but I want to get this straight from the start - my fashion sense is shite. What a great occasion tho' - I have only ever been to one at my school. Yours was far more awesome (as my son says)
Your'e in my thoughts and prayers sweetie. I know you're going through it xxxx
Jen - Fashion is great when you are young. You can get away with anything. I lost my confidence with clothes a long time ago. I mostly stick to jeans, nowadays.
Thanks for your kind words. I will try to stick around, this time!
Oh I would love that long floaty dress with the orange and cream stripes.
What a great day you must have had I am very envious. However you must have been having a tough time recently, and I am sorry for that. Maybe you should write it all on here? After all everyone else does!
Hope things are getting better for you.Missed you.
Suburbia - Yes, the orange and brown floaty one is great - if a little holey! Just the thing for a hot summer's day, should we ever have another one.
I'm glad to be back and relieved that I've not been forgotten. I missed you, too!
Mean Mom, it's been a long time. I am happy just to see that you haven't had all downers this summer. I hope that son's leg is mending. I think I would like the leather jacket - orange bikini outfit. AbFab, don't you think?
Mmm - I feel old looking at these outfits!
hey MMMAMom was going to email you soon, been thinking about you, hope all is ok?
You have been very quiet, I have cooled down quite a bit just lately with the blog fest, just wanted to check in though and hope all is well?
I will email you shortly
if that is ok?
Letty xxxxx
Hi Mean Mom!
I have just emailed you, I hope you receive it ok, and hope you are doing ok, I am worried about you because you have been so quiet for so long!!
love and light,
Letty xxxxxx
Just popping by to say 'Hello' Its awhile since you posted , hope all is well X
I missed this post completely - being away at rafting at the time.
Fashion these days - anything goes doesn't it?
Still - wearing your tiara at something like that seems totally appropriate to me!
Hope things are better for you and yours. I wonder often if things are improving.
Robin - Sorry to be so late replying! You've lost interest by now, I should think! My son has returned to work and seems to be OK, thanks!
Vintage Kitten - It's kind of you to enquire. Thanks. It hasn't been a good year, on the whole. Amongst other things, my youngest son was taken ill twice and eventually had to withdraw from uni. He finally seems to be a little better, but progress is slow.
Aims - Thanks for calling by. I'm glad that you haven't forgotten me, anyway! See above. My youngest son has been just one of my worries, this year. Hope next year sees some improvement.
You've been rafting? I think that you must be feeling a little better yourself? Hope so, anyway!
Glad to hear your son has improved that much!
I'm not rafting - definitely not this year.
I just mean that I helped my brother all summer with his whitewater rafting business.
I broke my toe a couple of weeks into the season and hobbled all summer.
Now I'm waiting for surgery - or 2 surgeries. Not sure yet. It's been tough.
We haven't been able to go back to New Orleans because of my health. So I'm working hard at being patient and waiting for the docs to get their act in gear and now that I've found a new doc - things are happening.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. We are not in the spirit at all - because of me of course - but we'll get through. We have a winter house guest with his 2 dogs so life is never boring.
I miss your posts. Are you ever coming back to us or even commenting once in a while? It would be lovely if you did. You don't even have to think of how to make it into a fairy tale if you do!
Black Rose - So sorry! I've just realised that I missed your comment on my blog! I know exactly what you mean. I miss those days when I was able to wear almost anything. I try to be careful, these days!
aims - Oh! I understand what you mean, now, about the rafting. I still think that you did well to undertake helping out your brother, though.
You broke your toe? You're just not safe, are you? Whatever are we going to do with you? ;0)
I do hope that your toe is sorted out very soon and that Christmas is more enjoyable than you are anticipating. I will confess to you that I am not a great lover of Christmas, any more. I get involved. I buy the presents, write the cards, do all of the preparations and the cooking, but, nowadays, it just seems to have turned into a commercial opportunity, in my opinion.
Anyway, thanks so much for your comment. I am really touched and I really will try to put the odd post together, or make some comments, from time to time. I have missed keeping up with people's lives and must try to 'get my act together'!
Dear Mean Mom, very late catching up I know, but wondered how you were doing. It doesn't look good, and I hope that you will all have a better time in 2010. Thinking of you. M xx
Popped in to see if there was anything new and caught up via your comment list.
Just to let you know I haven't forgotten about you and I'd love you to blog again when your current worries are gone. You are a very witty and clever writer whose posts I greatly admired and enjoyed. YOu know, one of those bloggers who you thought "Oh goody, they've got a new post!".
Best wishes, WM x
Really good to see you about again. How's things?
Working Mum - Thanks so much! It looks as if I've not replied to your comment, but, as you know, I replied at your place.
Suburbia - Thanks! It's good to try and catch up, but a bit of an impossible task. My youngest student son was taken ill and has been suffering from psychosis for over 12 months now. He has the support of a mental health team, but I do a lot with him, too. It has been a long hard slog and I have been in despair more than once, but he is slowly (very slowly) improving. I very much hope that he will lead a normal life again one day. Thanks for calling by!
Hello to you MM. I've been reading back and catching up on your last posts - and I've just read your last comment here.
I'm so sorry.
I can but imagine the dark places you've been to in this last year...
Thank you for saying hello to me again. Much appreciated. And I return the compliment now - with a smile and a wave to a good woman and a funny lady.
And an unforgettable blogger!
I was pleased to read you redeemed yourself by wearing the right clothes to this fashion show btw. That takes Style... ;-)
I hope things will improve - if that's possible - warmest wishes sent to you and yours.
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