Mean Mom's Palace, London SW1
9 July 2008
Queen Mean Mom is graciously pleased to signify her intention of conferring several honours of Bloggerhood upon her Favourite Bloggers. See list in sidebar for eligibility.

Welcome to the Palace! The Duke sends his apologies for his absence, but, as you can see from the Palace window, he has other other, rather pressing, matters to attend to, due to the Palace gardener being laid off with his lumbago!
The following awards have come into my possession, over the last few months:

The first (from left to right) was presented to me by the mother of this lot, the second by maggie may, the third and fourth by jules and the last one by liz and suburbia.
It gives me great pleasure, today, to bestow the awards on you, my favourite bloggers. Please accept any of the awards, which you do not already have, with my thanks for your services to the world of blogging.
The final award originated from Crystall at Memoirs of a Mommy, who has requested that anyone receiving the award should link it to this post on her site. I would be grateful if you could oblige.
I do so hope that you have all enjoyed your visit to the Palace, but I'm afraid that I will have to hurry you along, now, (before I'm discovered and arrested for impersonating a member of the Royal Family) as I have to walk the royal corgis, before peeling the royal potatoes for tea. Please do not forget to curtsey, or bow, as appropriate, before leaving quietly, via my private stairway, to avoid photographers. (Please leave quietly, by the fire escape, to avoid attracting attention to yourselves.)
Oh, no! There seems to be some sort of disturbance at the Palace gates and I hear footsteps thundering up the royal staircase!
Who are you? Unhand me! I am so not impersonating the Queen! Take your hands off my royal person and mind my tiara! I shall lose my deposit on that, if I don't get it back to the shop in one piece, by tomorrow! You're taking me where?
Who said 'Off with her head!'? Nobody's been beheaded in this country since 1747! (Never let it be said that my site isn't informative.)
What's up with you lot? The slightest mention of beheading and I can't see your backsides for dust. Where are you all going? Oh, you have to be on the front row, to get good photos on your mobiles? Oh, okay, then. See you there!
Could this be the end, for Mean Mom?
I hope NOT the end of Mean Mom!! I enjoy the festivities too much!
So, when they catch up with you, just bash the buggers over the head and make a run for it! Don't take the tiara back though, sell it on e-bay and then you can retire and live in the style to which you are acustomed!
(I didn't realise Liz had awarded you the same award , sorry, however it proves you really really deserve it dosen't it?!)
suburbia - I do so hope that nobody catches up with me, but I am not as fast as I used to be. Actually, I was never fast!
I was more than pleased that 2 people thought to give me the same award! What could be better? I hadn't got around to putting it on my sidebar. That's why you didn't realise that I already had it. I hope that you were able to pick up some awards that you didn't already have!
Never! A knight in shining armour is going to ride to your rescue!
If not - I sure as hell will! There's too much fun to be had over here for someone to lop off your head. Grrrrr!
aims - Mmmm! A knight in shining armour! The stuff that middle-aged women's dreams are made of! Okay, I'm waiting.
I have an award for you at my place.
We'll draw up a petition!
Thanks for the award! I clicked on the maker of the heart one, loved the reason for it and so I'm taking one of those.
Hope you get a reprieve! WM x
mob - Oooh, thanks! Coming over. You didn't pick up your award/s from my site, though!
working mum - A petition just for me! That would be good! I like to feel important.
You win the award for the cleverest and funniest way of handing out awards! By the way, I'm sure your friends were just leaving to go collect bail money for you, or do they have bail in the UK?
I know that you have awards coming out of your ears .... but there is another one over at my place, for you!
Aawh, thank you so much, I'll take the nice matters one please, you've just encouraged me to post on this topic, so many thanks for that xx
rose - It's all good fun, isn't it? I think that I'm just about out of ideas, now, however! You'd better be right about bail money! We certainly have a system for that, over here and I assume that it's similar to yours! I can only hope that my imaginery friends were just winding me up!!
maggie may - And a lot of those awards were given by you, of course! Aren't awards great? My blog is the only place where I feel appreciated! I could probably blog about that, if I pondered for a minute or 2.
I hope that you managed to find some awards, here, that you didn't already have?
auntiegwen - You could have taken more than one, of course! I'm glad to have been useful and I very much agree with the sentiments on the award you have chosen. There is so much greedy competition these days, that we are losing sight of the important things.
Mean Mom - I was sure I left a comment yesterday, must have gone into the blogging ether! Thank you very much for bestowing your generous honours, you're not mean at all! I will not be greedy as I've ransacked MOB's awards cabinet and will take the Nice Matters (as a reminder to self when in next temper) if that's OK with you. I'll do a party next year when I'm used to being this age!! Blogthatmamax
blogthatmama - I didn't see any comment from you, but I did edit this post MANY times, yesterday, because of spacing problems and because some of my links had failed. It's the only explanation I can think of for your comment disappearing.
Good choice of award! I am already looking forward to next year's party. I don't have a thing to wear!
Thank you Mean Mom. We are mounting a rescue mission as I write. Fear not you won't be in the tower for long!
goody goody (rubs hands greedily) that was worth the trip. Now, to business, I can't take Nice Matters as I'm not nice, and I fear I don't share the love (steal it, yes, share it? not sure), the dog would eat the teddy bear so that leaves the >3 one which, I must admit, I Just Don't Get?? WHat DOES it mean?? I one two your blog?? ANyway, have never thought you as mean anyway.
oh no!! have just re-read and realised I hadn't understood, blush blush. I thought that we who were reading were (in that kind way of reckless enthusiasm a blogger can indulge in) were all your favourite bloggers. Now I see that you mean that the four who gave can pick and choose another. And I've shot myself in the foot about being too horrid for the heart one. Oh drattikins. Slinks off, embarrassed since can't delete comment.
Oh No Mean Mom, not the dreaded Bloody Tower!! You should have asked to borrow my Palace Pass which Her Majesty gave me for walking the corgi's while I was at Sandringham last month. But there is a way out through one of the panels in the library, now where was it.........
Thank you Mean Mom, I've helped myself to the Nice Matters award. Flick x
What a lovely surprise.
Uh..... the awards part.
Not the part about you being dragged away in chains of course. Unless of course one of them was a gardener. In that case maybe you could persuade him/her to visit your house while you were away, to do a little green-work, so to speak.
Not to worry of course. Just send me your location and I will send a cake with a HUGE saw in it. Use it as you will. Oh, and I can send a tiara too.
PS. The hat from your last "DO" sends its regards.
oh mean mom, yo, way to go (sorry, have come all over my version of American, a by-product of hearing the national anthem) but seems I *was* entitled to nick an award. Hoorah. I had second panics thinking it was just those who'd bestowed you your recent, gulp, five. Thanks for your comment on mine clearing it up. Feel free to publish all or any versions of my ramblings, hey, it ups your comment count...
Debra - You are welcome. Yay! I knew I could count on you! How exciting!
Dusty - It's a pleasure. Of course, I never thought that you might have a pass. Could you hurry and remember the escape route, as I'm getting a bit desperate?
jules - It's not the first time that I've been dragged away in chains, of course. I am becoming rather used to it, now, but it's the first time that I've ever been taken to the Tower.
Ah, sigh. My gardener. I think that he is still with liz (that's liz the blogger, not Queen Elizabeth, of course).
Well, I am in the Tower of London and I could certainly eat a cake. I could probably find a use for the saw, too and a tiara would certainly lift my spirits.
How is my hat? Perhaps it could comment, if it has a second to spare?
I've just read this comment back and I'm quite worried about myself. Any strangers on my site just wouldn't have a clue, would they?
milla - What can I say? You are a star. I've taken advantage of your generosity and published all of your comments. Feel free to delete any if have second thoughts, but I think they are great. Every time I read them, they make me giggle to myself.
Thank you, Your Majesty. All your faithful subjects pray for your eternal safe-keeping. Please don't lose your head! M xx
PS. Love the regal music.
Don't worry mean mom, I will be there to rescue you. Let's see, I need to apply for a passport, book a flight, find a sitter for the children.... Hold on!!!
a mother's place - You're welcome. I've been trying not to lose my head for some time, now. Glad you like the music. I'm not sure how many people have their speakers on, but those who don't, miss out on some of the fun!
robin - It's a kind thought, but, by the time you've sorted all of that out, it may well be too late!
oh gawd, I feel like a stalker, now, contaminating your site. Thanks for explaining about the heart thing. How to feel very dim very easily.
milla - You are always welcome, here, of course, and we are not the only ones, who didn't initially understand what the heart thing was all about. When maggie may first gave out the award, she eventually had to explain to everyone what it meant, but I'd already googled it by then.
I, too, have spent almost as much time on your blog, as on my own, today.
I won't desert you - I'll sit there knitting like the old French women at the guillotine!! Oh, alright, I'll use my extensive persuasive powers (honed by many years with the Father of This Lot) to talk them out of it.
Oh, and I'll have the 'less than three' award please!
the mother - I have total faith in your powers of persuasion. I'll be out for the weekend, then, hopefully, as I need to start on the decorating.
Glad you found an award that you didn't already have.
I would comment, but I don't know what to say. it's gone right over my head, muddleheaded.
Mean mom, you should be queen. Queen of the Bloggers. I now bestoweth this title upon thee. Go forth and amuse the world. Thank you, ma'am, by the way for the award. I shall cherish it. Always.
irene - LOL! You just never know what you're going to find at my site, do you? I wonder why you all bother with me, sometimes!
wakeup - I so agree. I should definitely be queen of something. Queen of the Bloggers sounds good. I might change the name of my site. Glad you found an award that you fancied. You could have had more than one, of course.
unhand her you officious guards! thanks so much meam mom! off on a plane to see miss 11 who's been with my parents in christchurch. will finger myself an award on my return - thanks so much!
My first award EVER!!
There are too many to pick from, I can't choose.
You don't really seem too mean to me :-)
scrappysue - Heavens! You get about a bit!
robin - You could take them all, of course.
lynda - Well, I hope not. It's a bit of joke, really. Whenever my lads didn't get their own way, when they were young, they always said that I was mean!
Thank you so much your maj. She says bowing and scraping. And falling over a bloody corgi standing behind her.
This will be my first award as Bb, so truly grateful.
I finally chose one. Thanks!
Sorry Mean Mom I seem to have toddled by a little late (not that that is going to stop me nabbing an award) - are you still with us? See you couldn't rely on me in a scrap could you?
bollinger byrd - It's a pleasure. Sorry about the corgis!
robin - Thank goodness for that!
soft - You are a little late, but that is probably my fault, as it took me 2 or 3 days to work my way through my alphabetical list of favourite bloggers, giving out invitations. I seem to have had a reprieve, for the moment.
I don't think it's the end of Mean Mom! No surely not, it looks like the beginning to me!
Thanks for making me chuckle once again. Love the way you've spliced the photos into the post - most effective, tee hee.
I'm staggering away with the Birds... thank you :)
thank you mean mom! i will be back later to select a lovely picture to hang on my wall. and i liked your crown. very fortnum and mason.
hey mean mom! i'm snaffling the sharing the love award and will post sometime this week - thanks again for sharing the love!!!
merry weather - Probably not the end, because people have come up wtih all of these ingenious ways to rescue me! Glad you enjoyed the silliness and found an award.
grit - See you again soon, then. If I'm not here I'll be trying to sneak the crown past security, back into its rightful display case.
scrappysue - It's a pleasure. Glad you found an award that you liked.
i shared the love! posted today. how's the tiara?
scrappysue - You're quick off the mark! Tiara not tarnished, yet!
You didn't have that music last time - did you?!
You're delightfully daft MM!
Are you holidaying in Balmoral now, spending quality time with the Corgis? Blogthatmamax
merry weather - I set up the National Anthem on my player (followed by Pomp and Circumstance) when I published this post. I don't think that everyone has their speakers on, which is a shame, as they don't necessarily realise how daft I am. I've been waiting for someone to recognise the depth of my daftness. I'm sure I should win a blogging award for that!
blogthatmama - I am suffering again, unfortunately. Actually, it seems that since I caught that virus infection, a few weeks ago, which eventually resulted in the chest infection, I haven't stopped suffering, in some way, or another. Had to see GP on Friday, who said that I would hopefully be better in a few days, but if not, to go back. Oh, dear. Can't shake it off.
If my speakers were off - I unreservedly blame the children...
And about the daftness - It takes one to know one :)))
merry weather - Who am I to contradict you? ;0)
are you really gone, then?? Have finally acknowledged nice people who've given out awards!
Yes, now I remember, the panel is on the south wall. Look for the original copy of "How to live in chains and not get bored" by Buster Gut. Twist the book around and he presto! the door will reveal itself. Watch out for spiders and boobytraps in the tunnel though....see you on the other side.....I'll have the boat ready....Flick xxx
milla - I hope not. I've been ill again - in the middle of decorating hall, stairs and landing. I have half a post written.
dusty - Thanks. I'm working on escaping. You've been a great help. I'm in the middle of a post, but I'm also trying to prepare surfaces for decorating. What a job! I always have to do the worst bits!
get well soon!
There's another award for you at mine!
grit - Thanks. Illness was slightly scary. Better now. Desperately trying to put a post together. Hardly know where to start, after my absence.
suburbia - Thanks for that. I am terribly spoilt. It's so good!
Get well soon Mean Mom, hope you're feeling better.
blogthatmama - I am okay, now, I think, thanks. I am hoping to publish something soon.
Just checking in to see how you are and where you are. Hope all is fine.
Miss ya!
And don't tell me you've been cavorting with your gardener?!!!
jules - I wish!! I am more or less recovered except for a sore throat, which comes and goes. I am in the middle of decorating the hall stairs and landing. The worst job ever. I have started to put together a post, but if I stop painting to blog, I may never go back to finish painting!!
I miss you, and everyone else, and am desperate to catch up with all of the news. Today, I put the first coat of paint on the first door. Another 5 doors to do!! Oh, help!
Just popped in to say hi and hope you're feeling better and you get all your jobs done soon x
Miss you - hurry back! Can't you do a blog, then paint a door, then do a blog??? Flick xx
By the time you've finished those doors and done a new post I'll be in France, grr!
Hope you're feeling better in the meantime?
Where are you mean mum? I just got back on the net!
Hurry up and escape so you can get posting again! Also, it's getting very cold down here in the boat. The tunnel is very dank and drippy. How much longer are you going to be? Flick xx
I have been wondering what had happened to you! I was beginning to worry that you had been sent to the tower by the Palace Guards.
Hope you are feeling better. Keep on painting! I know if I stopped to write a post and read more blogs, the painting would stay half-finished for weeks:)
just to let you know I'vechanged my name from bollingerbyrd I'm now
for when you get back!
auntiegwen, dusty spider, merry weather, maggie may, rose and fire byrd - Heavens!! I am touched! (but you knew that already!) I'd better go and work on my post, to try and make it sensible, then. Now, that would be a novelty, wouldn't it?
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